Arkivum provides a large scale, long term, and cost effective digital archiving service with a unique 100% data integrity guarantee.

  • Reduce Capital Expenditure.
  • Free up time for your IT team.
  • Sleep at night knowing that your data is safe.
“The only archiving service that could provide me with a 100% guarantee that we could retrieve all the information we archive in 25 years time” - Dan Watkins, Oxford Fertility Unit

Our Customers

Fully Managed Service

‘Managed Service’ means more to us than just ensuring that the service is available. Arkivum’s service constantly monitors the health of the archive, upgrading and migrating as technology advances to ensure that data held within our service is always current and accessible. This means that:

  • For every bit of data that you put in we will return it to you bit perfect in one year or 50 years or more.
  • Arkivum provide the only digital archiving service underwritten by a 100% data integrity guarantee.


We sell our archiving service through a network of reseller and OEM partners.

Find a Partner

Partner with Arkivum and OEM our digital archiving service with your own application or service and give your customers the best of both worlds: our digital preservation expertise and service, backed by your own expertise and industry knowledge.

Become a Partner

  • Safe and Secure
  • Easy to Access
  • Fully Managed
  • Reduces Expenditure
  • Increases Efficiency
  • Improves Compliance

ISO Cert icon

Arkivum is certified to ISO27001 and is audited on a 6 monthly basis. Combined with the digital preservation best practices (for example ISO standards on Open Archive Information Systems and Trusted Digital Repositories) this means that Arkivum can guarantee the data held within its service – Arkivum’s SLA is backed by worldwide insurance. Arkivum’s certified and auditable approach means the service can enable customers to meet a range of regulatory compliance requirements for records and document retention, including 21CFRPart11, EduraLex Volume 4 Annex 11, and UK specific requirements.

About Us

Arkivum is an established provider of data archiving solutions, including the industry leading A-Stor data archiving service, which provides a fully-managed and secure service for long-term data retention with online access and a guarantee of data integrity that’s part of our Service Level Agreement and backed by worldwide insurance.

Our links with University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre means that we have direct access to state-of-the-art research in digital preservation that helps us meet our commitments to our customers. This is complemented by a team at Arkivum that brings strong software skills together with in-depth experience in data centre operations and robust and reliable storage system implementation.

Contact Us

+44 1249 405060 Find us
R21 Langley Park Way,
SN15 1GE